By the very nature of its business, the REDEN Group works every day for a sustainable development and the production of green energy, respecting the environment in which it operates and its various stakeholders.

Certified ISO 9001 (quality management) and 14001 (environmental management) for many years, REDEN, as a responsible company, wanted to take its approach even further. We have therefore voluntarily committed ourselves to a new certification aimed at strengthening our Safety Culture. As a result, August 2023 was marked by the award, for the first time, of ISO 45001, which validates our management of health and safety at work.

In order to respond as effectively as possible to social, environmental, societal and economic challenges, REDEN has additionally defined a unique CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy, revolving around 6 strategic axes.

Linked to our values, these 6 axes are key to all our activities and seek to align economic development with social responsibility, as well as implement a responsible approach to energy.


« Establish a strong corporate culture, based on solid skills, while respecting our values. »

« Human Wealth » : some actions highlighted

In addition to internal promotion, training and the establishment of a gender equality charter, REDEN also promotes sporting activities through its REDEN Sport association, with the aim of creating links that go beyond professional activities.



« Encouraging the consumption of sustainable and carbon free energy, while accelerating the energy transition »

« Green Energy Production » : some actions highlighted

REDEN has been ISO 9001 certified (quality management and continuous improvement) for many years.

What sets us apart is our mastery of the entire photovoltaic value chain, from project development, through the production of photovoltaic panels, to the construction of solar power plants and the sale of electricity. Our factory based in Roquefort (France) gives us invaluable technical expertise and implementation flexibility, which have played a major part in the Group’s development.


« Involved individually and collectively in society, today and tomorrow »

« Creation of Value for Communities » : some actions highlighted

Over the years, the REDEN Group has developed new technological solutions to meet various challenges, the main ones being: a) the production of photovoltaic energy, which is low-carbon, inexhaustible, competitive in economic terms and can be consumed locally; b) climate change, which is impacting our agricultural production methods, whether for livestock or crops.

That is why we deployed the first agrivoltaic greenhouses in France in 2010, and why we continue to develop sustainable solutions for the agricultural sector. We are especially looking to make the most of lands with low agronomic potential to encourage the development of new activities such as livestock rearing or arable farming.

Our commitment to the regions does not stop there. We see it as our responsibility to support the solidarity, humanitarian, cultural and sporting initiatives that make them so valuable. Therefore, we regularly support associations, events and initiatives that promote our heritage and the values of sharing, mutual aid, commitment, well-being and respect…

Our commitment in other concrete activities:

  • Duoday, inclusive action at work with people with disabilities
  • Albret Jazz Festival
  • Les Bouchons d’Amour, to help purchase equipment for people with disabilities
  • Blood donation
  • Pink October
  • Assistance to the CA87 in promoting the agricultural sector in conjunction with the Panazol livestock event
  • Panel donation
  • Construction of a children’s park in Mexico
  • Construction of a dome for multi-purpose community activities
  • Resurfacing of 1.3 km of road


« Develop a solid safety culture and preserve the integrity of our employees and service providers »

« Safety Culture » : some actions highlighted

In 2023, REDEN obtained the ISO 45001 certification for its Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management system.

At the same time, we set up Safety Committees: one for the teams in France and one for the international teams. In practice, a meeting is organised every three months as a forum for exchanging and sharing information on prevention and safety in the workplace.

REDEN furthermore arranges training courses in road safety, first aid, etc.

We have set 10 Golden Rules for safety at work.


« Reducing the impact of our activities on the environment and helping to mitigate climate change »

« Environmental Footprint » : some actions highlighted

REDEN holds the ISO 14001 certification (environmental management).

To meet the challenges of preserving biodiversity and the environment, REDEN set up its Agro-Environment department in 2022. This department is made up of experts in agronomy, the environment, wetlands and hydraulics. It works in constant interaction with the project managers, the photovoltaic design office and the construction and operations departments to ensure that environmental and agricultural issues are considered at every stage of the project. Installing nesting boxes and beehives, sowing melliferous meadows, creating gravel pits and planting hedges are just some of the actions we take to encourage biodiversity at our photovoltaic sites.

As a responsible company, REDEN is working on its climate strategy to help achieve ‘zero net emissions’ worldwide by 2050. In order to manage our climate actions ambitiously, we have set ourselves the goal of achieving carbon neutrality in our activities by 2040.

In 2019, REDEN launched the EVOC LABEL (Électricité Verte d’Origine Contrôlée, i.e Green Electricity from Controlled Origin) in France, in association with energy supplier OCTOPUS (formerly Plüm énergie) and 6 other independent producers. This label guarantees a supply of electricity from 100% French renewable energy sources.

Throughout the value chain, from design to operation, in our offices and at our photovoltaic panel manufacturing site, we are committed to good waste management, in line with local regulations in the various countries in which we operate. For the past ten years, REDEN has therefore been a member of the French eco-organisation SOREN, which recycles 95% of all our damaged photovoltaic panels.

We have moreover established a Charter of Good Practices in Energy Sobriety.


« Developing sustainable, ethical and transparent partnerships »

« Responsible & Sustainable Partnerships » : some actions mises highlighted

These strong commitments adopted by the Group will be applied at each stage of the development chain in all REDEN photovoltaic projects.
