Protect your orchards from climatic hazards with REDEN’s flexible agrivoltaic orchard shades

Agrivoltaic orchard shading systems enable outdoor production, while benefiting from protection by photovoltaic panels against climatic hazards (hot weather, heavy rain, hail). They can be used to support anti-insect netting and allow the necessary amount of sunlight while reducing the orchard’s need for water. In this way, they optimise crop productivity and costs (water savings, reduced losses due to climatic hazards and pests, etc.).


Your key benefits:


  • Installation possible on existing or new orchards
  • Conservation of the agricultural character of the plot
  • Reduction of water requirements
  • Income diversification
  • Support from our technical experts in growing suitable crops
  • Personalised design, tailored to your plot and crops
  • Administrative procedures entirely managed by REDEN

As for all our photovoltaic solutions, REDEN carries out in-depth studies of the soil, the local biodiversity and agricultural needs, in order to define a project which is useful to all its stakeholders. Our teams then take care of all administrative formalities, the production of the photovoltaic panels, to the construction, operation and maintenance of the agrivoltaic shelter.

Are you an arborist, a market gardener, a nursery grower or horticulturist…?

We can offer you a reliable and flexible solution to improve your yields.

Contact us for a free feasibility study of your project.